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. November 2025 DNK Ensemble residency at W139 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
. 2025 book / website audio publications around 3 performative sound installations, with Edition Verde, text contributions by Michael Pisaro-Liu, Yan Jun, Alena Alexandrova, Koen Nutters and graphic design by Scott Ponik
. August 2024 artist residency 'presence place extended' at Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, (Taipei, Taiwan)
. 13 – 19 November 2023, solo exhibition of ‘presence (Un) presence‘ at V2 Lab for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
. 05 – 11 October 2023, solo exhibition of ‘presence (Un) presence‘ at D-Light Studios (Dublin, Ireland)
. March – June 2023 guest researcher at Disnovation, Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie fellowship (Paris, France)
. 8 – 14 December 2021, solo exhibition of ‘presence (Un) presence‘ at Errant Sound (Berlin, Germany)
. 9 September 2021, artist talk – research presentation, Master of Landscape Architecture,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Lomma, Sweden)
. 4 – 19 September 2021, solo exhibition of ‘presence (Un) presence‘, at SPARK (Malmö, Sweden)
. 12 July – 12 August 2021, artist residency and solo exhibition of ‘presence (Un) presence‘, at EIGHT / ΤΟ ΟΧΤΩ (Athens, Greece)
. 1 – 4 July 2021, DNK Ensemble re-enacts from the V2 archives Dick Raaijmaker’s ‘Intona‘ from 1991 into a four-day performative exhibition at V2 Lab for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
. 30 April 2021, online seminar and artistic research presentation, on the use of scores and notions of environment, MA Arts and Environment, West Cork Arts Centre (Uillinn, Ireland)
. 13 – 20 December 2020, ‘presence (Un) presence‘ solo exhibition at Zone2Source, Glazen Huis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 21 November 2020, HKNME will perform ‘branching into others‘ as part of their ‘The Listening Room – 10th Anniversary Edition’ program, presented at Osage gallery (Hong Kong)
. November 2020 / January 2021, 2nd study term with Michael Pisaro-Liu
. 14 October 2020 – 11 January 2021, an excerpt recording of ‘during, lasting .. exhibition piece' at W139 (2015) will be part of an extensive audio-only exhibition Audiosfera at the Reine Sofia Museum, curated by Francisco Lopez (Madrid, Spain)
. 13 – 18 October 2020, 'of Two / Six by 2', six day performance installation for resonances and two pianos, solo exhibition at Rozenstraat – a rose is a rose is a rose, with Dante Boon and Reinier van Houdt (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 01 May 2020, DNK Ensemble’s recording of ‘Untitled Manifesto’ will be presented with Simulacrum‘s online launch of their issue on Sound, in which DNK Amsterdam has an interview as well (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 12 January 2020, DNK Ensemble plays Michael Parson‘s ‘Walk’ (1969), additional program here, W139 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 06 January – 11 February 2020, ‘scripting space‘ project with 2nd & 3rd year Undergraduate Fine Art students, Base for Experiment, Art & Research department at Artez Academy (Arnhem, Netherlands)
. 11 December 2019, artist presentation at Open Scores Lab, Music Research Centre, Bath Spa University (Bath, UK)
. 30 November 2019, ‘ Pressed Letters, for Lin Chiwei‘, new audience participation piece, at Sonhoras (Barcelona, Spain)
. 21 November 2019, 1 day course ‘Sound as Object’ for 1st year Undergraduate Fine Art students, Artez Academy department (Arnhem, Netherlands)
. 21 September – 21 October 2019, guest researcher at Institute Recherche et Innovation, Centre Pompidou, Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie fellowship (Paris, France)
. September 2019, Gonzo Circus will feature an interview with DNK Amsterdam‘s artistic team Koen Nutters, Seamus Cater and myself. In Dutch and printed issue exclusively…
. 17 August 2019, DNK Ensemble plays Anthony McCall’s 'Landscape for Fire',Rijksacademie (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 01 July – 30 August 2019, Artist Summer Studio residency, ‘presence (Un) presence‘, Dublin School of Creative Arts (Dublin, Ireland)
. 16 June 2019, performing with DNK Ensemble and Stefan Thut, Säulenhalle Landhaus Solothurn (Solothurn, Switzerland)
. 19 May 2019, performing with DNK Ensemble and Reinier van Houdt, works by Jordan Dykstra and Michael Pisaro-Liu, Splendor (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 12 – 19 May 2019, ‘one site, counting‘, solo exhibition at Splendor (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 4 – 25 April 2019, study term with Michael Pisaro-Liu, CalArts (Los Angeles, USA)
. 30 March 2019, lecture / teaching at The Other Abilities ‘Instruments for a Tactile Future Workshop’, Broedplaats Contact (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 13 February 2019, performing with DNK Ensemble, works by Dante Boon, Seamus Cater, Koen Nutters, at KM28 (Berlin, Germany)
. 6 December 2018, ‘positions, for those involved‘, performance at Umbral Festival, Centro de Artes Vivas (Mexico City, Mexcico)
. 4 December 2018, ‘truth, exercise for a listener‘, performance at Umbral Festival, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexcico)
. 30 November – 4 December 2018, ‘songlines II’, exhibition at Umbral Festival, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexcico)
. 22 July 2018, DNK Ensemble performs David Dunn‘s ‘Entrainments 2‘ at Wonderfeel Festival (Naarden, Netherlands)
. 15 – 21 July 2018, ‘one site, counting‘, solo exhibition at PuntWG gallery, DNK Days 2018 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 12 May 2018, outdoor performance of David Dunn‘s ‘Entrainments 2' with DNK Ensemble. Finnisage of Resonant exhibition, Zone2Source, Amstelpark (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 18 March – 12 May 2018, ‘songlines II‘ at Resonant exhibition, Zone2Source, Glazen Huis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. 17 March 2018 DNK Ensemble performs Stefan Thut‘s ‘atop’ at DNK Days 2018 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. January / February 2018, ‘scripting space‘ project with 2nd & 3rd year Undergraduate Fine Art students, Base for Experiment, Art & Research department at Artez Academy for Art & Design (Arnhem, Netherlands)
. 13 January 2018, performing Cornelius Cardew’s ‘Treatise' with DNK Ensemble at W139 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
. December 2017, Japan tour with DNK Ensemble (Tokyo / Kobe / Fukuoka, Japan)
. 9 November 2017, performing Antoine Beuger‘s ‘peckinpah trios’ with DNK Ensemble at Studio Loos (Den Haag, Netherlands)
. 13 / 14 August 2017 I’ll perform ‘Simultaneous / Synchronous (Song) (iii)’ with Koen Nutters and Seamus Cater as DNK Ensemble at Mediamatic (13th) and Helicopter (14th) (Amsterdam / Den Haag, Netherlands)
. 16 May 2017 artist talk and studio visits at Base for Experiment, Art & Research department at Artez Academy for Art & Design (Arnhem, Netherlands)
. 30 March – 01 April 2017 ‘an opposition, for 2 groups’, ‘alterations’ & 'branching into others' are part of Ari Benjamin Meyer‘s project an exposition, not an exhibition, happening throughout Hong Kong on a number of locations between 11 March and 01 April. In an experimental concert setting at Spring Workshop, the HKNME will perform their entire repertoire, including the 3 above pieces, in an ‘encyclopedic durational performance’ (Hong Kong)
. 26 January 2017 artist talk & performance of ‘an opposition, for 2 groups’ and ‘CIrcalLEs_‘ at La Habitación del Ruido, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana (Mexico City, Mexico)
. 25 January 2017 artist talk during the Noche de Museos at Ex Teresa Arte Actual (Mexico City, Mexico)
. 23/25/27 January 2017 at Ex Teresa Arte Actual I’ll be teaching a 3 day course ‘Spaces/Traces/Places' for composers, artists and performers. Through lectures and exercises the course will address topics such as; spatially mediated composition and performance, geometries of sound and space, process based music practice, self evolving forms, site specificity, music in unmusical places (Mexico City, Mexico)
. 19 – 22 January 2017 ‘during, lasting..exhibition piece' will be performed by the amazing Liminar ensemble at the Ex Teresa Arte Actual (Mexico City, Mexico)
. January – May 2017, ‘video_67b‘ & ‘video_67c‘, both collaborations with Dextro, are part of a public space installation at Baden train station (Baden, Austria)
. 29 December 2016 and 19 January 2017, Concertzender‘s ‘Pakrammel’ will feature two radiospecials about my work, including an interview with Radboud Mens, early recordings and current works. 23:00 CET
. 22 – 29 October 2016 ‘songlines‘ II will be installed at Institute for Provocation again. This time the work will include a participatory choreography of movement in order to explore the acoustic physicality of the work (Beijing, China)
. 08 September – 23 December 2016, teaching Under Graduate courses Sound, Space, Process, Experimental Media department/School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing, China)
. 8 May 2016 ‘during, lasting..exhibition piece' and a new installation work ‘songlines I‘ at Institute for Provocation, with Beijing Scratch ensemble (Beijing, China)
. 22 – 27 March 2016 at The Modern Academy. I’ll be teaching an intensive course ‘Spaces/Traces/Places’ for composers, artists and performers. The program will entail lectures, workshops, rehearsals and public performance of selected historic and contemporary pieces. It will address topics such as; spatially mediated composition and performance, geometries of sound and space, process based music practice, self evolving forms, site specificity, music in unmusical places. The Modern Academy is an initiative of HKNME and supported by Hong Kong’s Goethe Institute, Spring Workshop, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
. 9/10 March 2016, Dextro‘s ‘video_67b‘ is part of the animation program at Diagonale Film Festival. Soundtrack to this piece is the recording of HKNME playing 'an opposition, for 2 or 4 groups’ (Graz, Austria)
. 26 November 2015, campus lecture ‘Indeterminism and Cage’, Central Academy of Fine Arts (Bejiing, China)
. 14 November 2015, performing in Yan Jun‘s ‘Gestures (two)’, performance work for dancer, photographers and listeners, opening of ‘Unlawfully Constructed ‘ exhibition at 403 International Art Center (Wuhan, China)
. 08 November 2015, performance for brass and amplitude at Sally Can’t Dance Festival (Beijing, China)
. November 2015, Gonzo Circus will feature an artist portrait/ interview. In Dutch and printed issue exclusively…
. 03 – 07 October 2015, ‘blind spaces‘ 5 days performance installation shown in a derelict Hutong courtyard house, with Sheng Jie, Yan Yulong, Wen Yuzhen and Ake on Violin. ‘blind spaces‘ is part of the Baitasi ReMade project, Beijing Design Week 2015 (Beijing, China)
. 08 September – 13 December 2015, teaching introductory courses Sound, Space, Process, undergraduate Experimental Media department/School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing, China)
. September 2015, Cronica has released ‘Positions‘ CD with of a selection of recordings made in the past 3 years. More details..
For earlier activities, check Resume